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10 Years of Romanian Mathematical Competitions - Radu Gologan, editura Paralela 45


Pret: 47.5 Lei

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10 Years of Romanian Mathematical Competitions - Radu Gologan, editura Paralela 45: This book is a small tribute to the mathematical problem-solving community in Romania. It contains 180 problems selected during the period 2007-2017 from all rounds of the Romanian Mathematical Olympiad and from the selection tests for the International Mathematical Competitions. All problems are original and the authors are more than 80 Romanian mathematicians. - The authors

Radu Gologan is a Professor of mathematics at the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest. He is the president of the Romanian Mathematical Society and the leader of the Romanian National Team at the IMO. Starting 2004, he coordinates the editorial board of RMC.

Dan Stefan Marinescu is a college teacher at the National College “Iancu de Hunedoara” in Hunedoara and a member of Romanian National Olympiad Committee starting 2000.

Mihai Monea is a college teacher at the National College “Decebal” in Deva and a member of Romanian National Olympiad Committee starting 2007.

Caracteristici: An aparitie - 2018; Colectie - Biblioteca de Matematica; Format - 230 x 160 mm; Nr. pagini - 176; Editie - Cartonata;

ISBN: 9789734727209

Editura: Paralela 45

Autor: Radu Gologan

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