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Carmen's Cat Book - Ruxandra Diana Dragolea, Carmen Andonie, editura Limes


Pret: 25 Lei

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Vandut de: Libris SRL
Livrare prin curier: 12.9 lei
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Cod produs: 24613

Carmen's Cat Book - Ruxandra Diana Dragolea, Carmen Andonie, editura Limes:The present book is the result of our attempts to unite two things that we love, cats and learning English language, in a book that might teach children a lot of vocabulary and useful grammar in a funny, entertaining context. Carmen's cats and her pets always stand by her as she learns English, and we are convinced that you will also reach an advanced level of English if you learn with us.

So have fun with your pets and have fun with these various exercises as well as amusing texts that we hope will bring you not only good grades, but a lot of knowledge and useful information and, of course, a smile on your face.

Caracteristici: An aparitie - 2016; Format - 210x150; Nr. pagini - 218; Editie - Necartonata;

ISBN: 9786067990454

Editura: Limes

Autor: Carmen Andonie

Fotografia afisata are caracter informativ. Specificatiile produselor sunt informative, in conformitate cu datele transmise de catre producatorii sau distribuitorii autorizati. Acestea precum si pretul pot fi modificate fara instiintare prealabila si nu constituie obligativitate contractuala.


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