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Choke, editura Vintage


Pret initial: 139 Lei

Pret redus: 134 Lei


Pret initial: 49 Lei

Pret redus: 33 Lei


Pret initial: 59 Lei

Pret redus: 45 Lei


Pret initial: 75 Lei

Pret redus: 50 Lei


Acest produs este momentan indisponibil sau nu face parte din oferta Esteto.

Cod produs: 101201

Choke, editura Vintage: B format paperback edition of Palahniuk's debut novel - a novel of the relationships between mothers and sons - the addictive power of sex, the terrors of ageing, the ugly truth behind historical theme parks - and a great deal more... 'Maybe our generation has found its Don DeLillo' Brett Easton Ellis. ' extremely funny account of an outsider stuck inside America' }Independent On Sunday{.

Caracteristici: Data aparitie - 01082002;

Editura: VINTAGE

Autor: Chuck Palahniuk

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